Farm Subscriptions
Soup Season Subscription
Every week
Receive two 1L containers of soup per week of your choice, for a total of 8 soups for the month of January.
Valid for 4 weeks
Each week's menu will feature a mix of seasonal soups
Highlighting local and sustainable ingredients when possible
Carnivore & herbivore options available each week
Convenient pickup at the farmers' market on Saturdays 12-1
Herbal Bone + Root Broth Subscription
Every week
Sign up for a weekly 2L of bone broth infused with nutritive herbals. Bones sourced from Sweet Earth Farm + Mrs. Fifield's Flocks, along with ours when avaiable.
Valid for 16 weeks
Weekly access to local grass fed + pastured bone broth
Your choice of beef or chicken
Infused with immune boosting nutritive herbs + roots
Convenient pickup at the farmers' market on Saturdays 12-1
Sustainable refill system and zero waste solution